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Office of Professional Development

College of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Professional Development Online Registration

Renaissance Child Spring Enrichment

Dates:March 17-21, 2025
Meets:8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location:Warf Pickel 503
Cost: $200.00

There are 3 openings remaining at this time.


Come celebrate the arrival of spring with a week of exciting and educational activities at the ETSU Renaissance Child Spring Enrichment Program. We will kick the week off on Saint Patrick’s Day by using our engineering skills to build leprechaun traps. The participants will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of seasonally themed science experiments, STEM Fairy Tale projects and creative arts and crafts. We will celebrate Tennessee history by visiting Tipton Haynes Historic Site and learning how to make candles and paper in the old-fashioned way! March 20 is National Absolutely Incredible Kids Day and we at Renaissance Camp will be celebrating our “ Ren Camp Kids” throughout the week with lots of Learning in the Guise of Fun ! Children, ages 6 to 11 will explore and investigate the outdoors. They will create "make-it, take-it" activities, and enjoy field trips throughout the week. The program starts each day at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. Children need to bring a bag luch and wear "paint-friendly" clothing as well as comfortable walking shoes.
Fee: $200.00

Warf Pickel 503

Kayli Browder

Kaylyn Manis

Pat Williams

Date Day Time Location
03/17/2025Monday8 AM to 5 PM D.P. Culp University Center Room 360
03/18/2025Tuesday8 AM to 5 PM D.P. Culp University Center Room 360
03/19/2025Wednesday8 AM to 5 PM D.P. Culp University Center Room 360
03/20/2025Thursday8 AM to 5 PM D.P. Culp University Center Room 360
03/21/2025Friday8 AM to 5 PM D.P. Culp University Center Room 360
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