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Jody LaShay Jennings Wood
609 Norton Branch Road
Marshall, NC 28753
(828) 279-5741
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Degree: Doctorate of Philosophy in Education (May 2019)
Major: Literacy Studies
Dissertation Title: The Integration of Literacy and Science: An Ethnographic Case Study set in an Appalachian Elementary School
Western Carolina University
Degree: Master of Arts in Education (August 2009)
Major: English Education (9-12)
Mars Hill University
Degree: Bachelor of Arts and Science (December 2001)
Major: Elementary Education (K-6)
North Carolina Teaching Licenses - Elementary Education (K-6), English Education (9-12, Master's Level)
Summer 2014- Present Clinical Instructor, East Tennessee State University Clemmer College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Undergraduate Courses Taught
READ 3200 Teaching Writing and Language Arts in the Elementary School
READ 3000 Current Issues of 21st Century Literature
READ 3050 Foundations of Literacy
READ 4437 Reading Instruction in Middle and Secondary Schools
READ 4026 Residency 1: Assessment and Enhancement of Literacy
CUAI 3500 Instructional Management K-6
CUAI 4560 Pre- Residency: Clinical Field K-6
CUAI 4241 Residency 1: Clinical Field K-6
CUAI 4120: Residency 1: Language Arts
Graduate Courses Taught
READ 5027 Diagnoses of Remedial Reading
READ 5437 Reading in Middle and Secondary School
READ 5241 Practice in Teaching Reading
READ 5120 Teaching Reading
READ 5190 Linguistics of Reading
READ 5210 Psychology of Reading
READ 5231 Advanced Diagnostics Procedures
READ 5950 Action Research in Reading Education
Consultant/Grant Project Liaison, Spring 2020, Integrating Science and Literacy in First Grade Curricula, Mars Hill University
Serving as a consultant/co-teacher to co-construct a first-grade science and literacy integrative unit for first grade teachers at a local elementary school in partnership with Mars Hill University.
Visiting Advisor/Consultant, Fall 2011 to Spring 2012, Best Practices in 21st Century Literacy Instruction, Montreat College
Taught several sessions in a bachelor's level course focusing on the development and teaching of strategies for emergent literacy learners.
2019 READ 4026: Residency 1: Assessment and Enhancement of Literacy
2018 READ 3200: Teaching Writing and Language Arts in Elementary School
READ 3050: Foundations of Literacy
2016 CUAI 3500: Instructional Management
CUAI 4560: Pre Residency: The First Days of School
2014-2015 GRAD 7800: Faculty Technology Leadership, East Tennessee State University